A real Pixel Page Community
Themes have been around since the pixel party started and popular items are cities and landscapes. E.g. there are Commercial Town, My Million Dollar City and Planet of Internet or WeSellEarth.com and even Your name on the Moon. But citypixel.com takes this theme to a new level.
When entering citypixel.com there is a floating navigation bar to travel through the city. The design is rather like a game environment then a pixel page. But typical one is able to click items and to get a place for pixel art or adverts. They even got an own concept for selling spaces (see faq).
The site has already emerged. The newest feature there is the ability of members to get an apartment at the city. And the site is successfull as the number of users online seems to climb. Some weeks ago there have been about 100 users online always. When the site has been visited while writing this article there have been some hundred. Get around and see for yourself. You may start by a click on the explore the city graphic at the right.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
When entering citypixel.com there is a floating navigation bar to travel through the city. The design is rather like a game environment then a pixel page. But typical one is able to click items and to get a place for pixel art or adverts. They even got an own concept for selling spaces (see faq).
The site has already emerged. The newest feature there is the ability of members to get an apartment at the city. And the site is successfull as the number of users online seems to climb. Some weeks ago there have been about 100 users online always. When the site has been visited while writing this article there have been some hundred. Get around and see for yourself. You may start by a click on the explore the city graphic at the right.

Guerilla Marketing like Approach
A guerilla marketing like approach is shown by a website named AdverMix.com. Opposite to other pixel advertising pages at this site older PixelAds become painted over by newer adverts as it happens with placarding at old fashioned advertisement pillars or at guerilla marketing in cities.
PixelAds are all free there and may stay for ever. But if someone places a new advert on an older one, the older will be no more visible. This might be a lot of fun as one is able to try to paint over a particular already placed older advertisement.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
PixelAds are all free there and may stay for ever. But if someone places a new advert on an older one, the older will be no more visible. This might be a lot of fun as one is able to try to paint over a particular already placed older advertisement.

Pixel Advertising Business Cases
Market segmentation is a primary marketing principle. At pixel advertising this has been taken into the business model usually by a special domain name. This is a first step of a professional online marketing plan as generic terms at domain names do work fine with search engines. While lately researching this issue it was still surprising how well pixel pages are placed at search engines, if one does search for a combination of keywords like e.g. film business pixel advertising or film business pixels. There are a couple of pixel pages listed at the first 10 search results pages. Some pixel pages do even advertise their own services at search results.
But there are some pixel advertising pages which do go beyond that basic online marketing measure. A couple of pages do use pixel advertising as a whole business model or for supplementary advertising income. In this cases pixelads are used the same way as etablished ad networks are used to finance free online information services. In the following there are three examples.
FilmMaking.com is a film and video industry resource. The service is offering a lot of information and resources for the film making business. At the top there is a pixel grid with image classifieds of the film industry
TravelPixel.net is an ecommerce website offering booking facilities and travel information. They do offer books, guides and have integrated interactive parts like blogs and expert guides. At their homepage they do have grids dedicated to travel business.
ChinaDotCom.biz is an import export directory with a show room and trade leads directory. Beside there basic business directory they do offer business services. At there homepage micro banners are offered by a pixel ad board. The pixel ad board has become an essential and enriching part of the homepage.
But there are some pixel advertising pages which do go beyond that basic online marketing measure. A couple of pages do use pixel advertising as a whole business model or for supplementary advertising income. In this cases pixelads are used the same way as etablished ad networks are used to finance free online information services. In the following there are three examples.
FilmMaking.com is a film and video industry resource. The service is offering a lot of information and resources for the film making business. At the top there is a pixel grid with image classifieds of the film industry
TravelPixel.net is an ecommerce website offering booking facilities and travel information. They do offer books, guides and have integrated interactive parts like blogs and expert guides. At their homepage they do have grids dedicated to travel business.
ChinaDotCom.biz is an import export directory with a show room and trade leads directory. Beside there basic business directory they do offer business services. At there homepage micro banners are offered by a pixel ad board. The pixel ad board has become an essential and enriching part of the homepage.