PixelAds and Media Convergence
Now PixelAds are going far beyound the famous and initial concept of the Million Dollar Homepage created by Alex Tew. Beside thousands of similar pages with online advertising there are a lot more possibilities for the PixelAds advertising concept. Taking a deeper look into the concept one does find a basic graphic design element, the advertising grid. These grids are a fundamental graphic design tool as well as pixels themselves are basic elements on displays. By this PixelAds may become changed in their form and shape and may become placed in most different graphic environments like e.g. a dynamic games environment.
Another technology available is epaper, a very thin display which might become used for or in newspapers or even with packaging. So with the PixelAds advertising system ads may become booked at such media. Or think about electronic pinboards at supermarkets, where people do place ads by mobile payment from their wireless phones on the go.
Now such a project has been realized by the Sandberg Institute. They do build a million dollar facade by a project named Artvertising.
Artvertising, Sandberg Institute
Another technology available is epaper, a very thin display which might become used for or in newspapers or even with packaging. So with the PixelAds advertising system ads may become booked at such media. Or think about electronic pinboards at supermarkets, where people do place ads by mobile payment from their wireless phones on the go.
Now such a project has been realized by the Sandberg Institute. They do build a million dollar facade by a project named Artvertising.
Artvertising, Sandberg Institute