PixelAds and Media Convergence
Now PixelAds are going far beyound the famous and initial concept of the Million Dollar Homepage created by Alex Tew. Beside thousands of similar pages with online advertising there are a lot more possibilities for the PixelAds advertising concept. Taking a deeper look into the concept one does find a basic graphic design element, the advertising grid. These grids are a fundamental graphic design tool as well as pixels themselves are basic elements on displays. By this PixelAds may become changed in their form and shape and may become placed in most different graphic environments like e.g. a dynamic games environment.
Another technology available is epaper, a very thin display which might become used for or in newspapers or even with packaging. So with the PixelAds advertising system ads may become booked at such media. Or think about electronic pinboards at supermarkets, where people do place ads by mobile payment from their wireless phones on the go.
Now such a project has been realized by the Sandberg Institute. They do build a million dollar facade by a project named Artvertising.
Artvertising, Sandberg Institute
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Another technology available is epaper, a very thin display which might become used for or in newspapers or even with packaging. So with the PixelAds advertising system ads may become booked at such media. Or think about electronic pinboards at supermarkets, where people do place ads by mobile payment from their wireless phones on the go.
Now such a project has been realized by the Sandberg Institute. They do build a million dollar facade by a project named Artvertising.
Artvertising, Sandberg Institute

10xn Links, PixelAds Alternative
Inspired by pixel advertising and the amount of ads in a pixel page there have come up link pages similar to pixel pages. Whereas links and linking are essential parts of the web and old as the web itself now linklists come up in a new design and with some kind of a spirit by the pixel page phenomen. Furthermore this happens at the same time when tagging has become popular and some 10xn link pages do look similar to tag clouds, which even gives them a fashionable look.
And the concept is not without attraction. For publishers it is an easy way to monetize the expenses of a domain and webhosting. For the marketers and buyers of links it is a good deal, too, as today mostly everyone in marketing should know about the importance of links for the relevance of a website at search engines. Secondly marketers do receive new users, which do access services by a simple click on a buyable and significant keyword. If the design is fine and if the needs of the customers are met the link page will gain in popularity.
Examples of 10xn Links Pages:
500 Words
The 1000-Word Page
Sunday, August 13, 2006
And the concept is not without attraction. For publishers it is an easy way to monetize the expenses of a domain and webhosting. For the marketers and buyers of links it is a good deal, too, as today mostly everyone in marketing should know about the importance of links for the relevance of a website at search engines. Secondly marketers do receive new users, which do access services by a simple click on a buyable and significant keyword. If the design is fine and if the needs of the customers are met the link page will gain in popularity.
Examples of 10xn Links Pages:
500 Words
The 1000-Word Page

Pixel Scripts as Advertising System
Pixel Page Scripts do beside of the administration of the images mostly consist of a complete online advertising system which enables the owner of a website to handle the whole selling process and to admistrate the customer data. By this these scripts are a comfortable and complete online advertising solution for the selling of ads at websites, which does not neccessarily relies on the small advertising format of most million pixel pages.
A really impressive and nice service exploiting the advertising system of a pixel script at a search engine does Homepage4 offer. Homepage4 is a mashup of pixel advertising, search engine and ajax or web 2.0 technologies. Advertisers are able to buy an advert by the advertising system of a pixel page script. The entries are made searchable by a search engine. Last but not least there is a personalization facility, which enables users to catch the images of their favourites and to put them at a navigation bar.
A really impressive and nice service exploiting the advertising system of a pixel script at a search engine does Homepage4 offer. Homepage4 is a mashup of pixel advertising, search engine and ajax or web 2.0 technologies. Advertisers are able to buy an advert by the advertising system of a pixel page script. The entries are made searchable by a search engine. Last but not least there is a personalization facility, which enables users to catch the images of their favourites and to put them at a navigation bar.

How to advertise at Pixel Pages
There are two ways to advertise at million pixel pages, by buying directly an ad at a page or to book adverts by a pixelads service.
Million Pixel Pages mostly include a complete and automated advertising system. To buy an ad one visits a particular pixel page and follows the instructions. Usually there is a menu at the top with a link named buy pixels or get pixels. By a click on these links one is referred to the advertising system, which usually starts with the grid. At the grid mostly one clicks on 10x10 px (pixels) sized blocks to choose the placement for the advert. At the end of the process there is the payment procedure usually enabled to handle payments by emoney or epayments.
Beside premium advertising there is also a lot of free advertising space available, where ads can be placed the same way. The difference between premium and free advertising is that premium ads usually are placed for a long time, mostly one up to five years. Free ads often do last just one up to several months.
The second way to place an ad at million pixel pages is to use a pixel advertising service. Whereas there are some businesses around offering services for pixelads actually there is just one service known, which does handle the placement of pixelads at other pages automaticly. PixelAdSubmitter.com (NOTE: THIS SERVICE CEASED OPERATIONS) is an advertising service, which works similar to affiliate marketing or pay per click advertising. Advertisers may transfer their advert to the service. Then PixelAdSubmitter.com informs the participating pixel pages about the availability of these adverts, which become placed by the pixel page publishers at their particular pages.
Different to the placement at pure pixel pages as described are
Pixel Advertising Networks, which do offers grids as banners. Whereas by this one does not get into the grids of pixel pages a lot of pixel page publishers do use these banners for additional income.
Million Pixel Pages mostly include a complete and automated advertising system. To buy an ad one visits a particular pixel page and follows the instructions. Usually there is a menu at the top with a link named buy pixels or get pixels. By a click on these links one is referred to the advertising system, which usually starts with the grid. At the grid mostly one clicks on 10x10 px (pixels) sized blocks to choose the placement for the advert. At the end of the process there is the payment procedure usually enabled to handle payments by emoney or epayments.
Beside premium advertising there is also a lot of free advertising space available, where ads can be placed the same way. The difference between premium and free advertising is that premium ads usually are placed for a long time, mostly one up to five years. Free ads often do last just one up to several months.
The second way to place an ad at million pixel pages is to use a pixel advertising service. Whereas there are some businesses around offering services for pixelads actually there is just one service known, which does handle the placement of pixelads at other pages automaticly. PixelAdSubmitter.com (NOTE: THIS SERVICE CEASED OPERATIONS) is an advertising service, which works similar to affiliate marketing or pay per click advertising. Advertisers may transfer their advert to the service. Then PixelAdSubmitter.com informs the participating pixel pages about the availability of these adverts, which become placed by the pixel page publishers at their particular pages.
Different to the placement at pure pixel pages as described are
Pixel Advertising Networks, which do offers grids as banners. Whereas by this one does not get into the grids of pixel pages a lot of pixel page publishers do use these banners for additional income.

PixelAds Advertising Networks
As you see at the top of the 10xn weblog there are online advertising networks, which do offer banners including pixelads. But these networks can do more. These pixel advertising grids are customizable in a most flexible way. Publishers are able to customize these grids to almost every size. By this publishers are able to make banners of all sizes like buttons or leaderboard banners and are even able to fill a whole website (PixelAdvertising.de).
And of course they do enable advertisers to buy adverts. These adverts are distributed through the networks of the participating publishers.
There are four pixelads advertising networks known for now:
Dynamic Pixel Ads
Pixel Advertising Network
Pixel Linkster
Friday, August 11, 2006
And of course they do enable advertisers to buy adverts. These adverts are distributed through the networks of the participating publishers.
There are four pixelads advertising networks known for now:
Dynamic Pixel Ads
Pixel Advertising Network
Pixel Linkster

Some popular PixelAds Pages
The Million Dollar Homepage has become most popular because of the media coverage. Despite of that the concept of pixel advertising is discussed most controversial. For e-marketers the reasons are obviously as the concept opposes mostly all promises of internet marketing like targeting and other things. One marketing rule that remains true even here is that a pixel page needs traffic to become successful. But pixel advertising is fun and does have a community.
As an appetizer for following posts at this weblog just a list of some other popular well filled and by this successful million something pages:
The Million Penny Homepage
Paint your Pixel
Rent a Patch
Thursday, August 10, 2006
As an appetizer for following posts at this weblog just a list of some other popular well filled and by this successful million something pages:
The Million Penny Homepage
Paint your Pixel
Rent a Patch

About and 10xn Terms of Use
This is a welcome message with some information about what happens here and information about the association with the millionpixelmirror.com homepage as well as terms for comments.
One year after the appearance of the Million Dollar Homepage, which has sold 1 Million Pixels for ads, there are still new pages coming up similar to that or with completely different concepts and styles. This blog informs about new extraordinary pixel pages, successfull concepts and new styles.
Stay in contact by coming back or by the newsfeed. Those pages are worth a visit and may offer new business opportunities. By the way, your comments are welcome here.
Terms of Use and the millionpixelmirror.com relationship
The information on this site is done with marketing knowledge, but there is no guarantee given that the information is this site does meet the requirements of users visiting the 10xn weblog. By using this service you agree that there is no liability to the provider of the information.
Furthermore the 10xn weblog does link to pages of third parties. There is no liability and no responsibility by the 10xn weblog for those services.
Comments are welcome at this weblog, but comments must be convenient and related to the articles or the pixel theme. 10xn is not responsible for comments. Especially concerning comments and in general as this service is hosted by blogger.com the blogger.com terms available by the navigation bar at the top do apply, too.
10xn is associated and published by the people of the millionpixelmirror homepage. But as this weblog is hosted seperately from the millionpixelmirror homepage there are different terms for these parts.
One year after the appearance of the Million Dollar Homepage, which has sold 1 Million Pixels for ads, there are still new pages coming up similar to that or with completely different concepts and styles. This blog informs about new extraordinary pixel pages, successfull concepts and new styles.
Stay in contact by coming back or by the newsfeed. Those pages are worth a visit and may offer new business opportunities. By the way, your comments are welcome here.
Terms of Use and the millionpixelmirror.com relationship
The information on this site is done with marketing knowledge, but there is no guarantee given that the information is this site does meet the requirements of users visiting the 10xn weblog. By using this service you agree that there is no liability to the provider of the information.
Furthermore the 10xn weblog does link to pages of third parties. There is no liability and no responsibility by the 10xn weblog for those services.
Comments are welcome at this weblog, but comments must be convenient and related to the articles or the pixel theme. 10xn is not responsible for comments. Especially concerning comments and in general as this service is hosted by blogger.com the blogger.com terms available by the navigation bar at the top do apply, too.
10xn is associated and published by the people of the millionpixelmirror homepage. But as this weblog is hosted seperately from the millionpixelmirror homepage there are different terms for these parts.